About us

As “cofortytwo” we start with consulting, development and project execution in the areas of medical technology, autonomous driving, autonomous flying and various fields of development

The story of

When I decided to found cofortytwo a few years ago, I didn’t make the decision lightly.

Starting a consulting company, even more so in the fields of MedTec, aeronautics and AI development, is not an easy undertaking. Especially since there are really large and, in some cases, very good consulting companies on the market.

I asked myself, “What do I want, what am I particularly good at, and what do I enjoy?”
These points don’t always have to overlap.

I found the following answers to these questions:

  1. What do I want? → Develop software and hardware (R&D)
  2. What am I particularly good at? → Project management, analysis, strategy and communication.
  3. What do I enjoy? → Working with people, shaping them as a team and doing “hot shit”.

Therefore it was clear to me that this is the right step, not as an employee or freelancer, but with a company.

The name was also found quickly → cofortytwo.

Why this name?
co = “cooperation, collaboration, combination and concentration”. All things that are important to me and that I want to have in my company → as a mindset, as a way of thinking, as a “functional description” for every employee.

Why is there “fortytwo” in addition to “co”?
Well, most developers in the world(!) know the book and/or the movie “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” (by Douglas Adams).

There was a “supercomputer” which should answer the question about the “meaning of life, the universe and all the rest”. The answer was “42.”

The problem was that 42 was the answer to all these questions, but one could not do anything with the answer because it was too unspecific.

The reason behind that was the question wasn’t specific enough either.

For me, the conclusion was: “Asking the right questions is at least as important as finding the right answers.

That was the birth of “cofortytwo”.

It is also particularly important to me that we do not support projects in theoretical work and present the most beautiful slides, but that our clear focus is on improving the operational work.

In short: “Don’t talk, do!

The foundation:
It became clear relatively quickly that it would not continue as a sole proprietorship for long, so it was clear to me early on that I would have to found a limited liability company in order to be able to carry out all aspects of our work in a coordinated manner.

Through the network I also had good support from the beginning and through the different competences in the team we are very well and broadly positioned.

The foundation of our GmbH (notary and co.) was relatively unspectacular, but nevertheless exciting.

Die Geschichte
von cofortytwo

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