Entdecke unsere
Als cofortytwo starten wir mit der Beratung in den Bereichen Medizintechnik, Autonomes Fahren, Autonomes Fliegen und verschiedenste Bereiche der Softwareentwicklung.
What we
can do for you
Your benefits
from our consultation

What we
can do for you
Your benefits
from our consultation

Talk with
our experts
other services
With an unbiased and neutral view from
the outside, the current situation is analysed.
On that basis, a structure is built to set up
your project for success.
Analyse – Structure – Execute.
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You have the vision, we have the implementation.
Our team of software developers supports
you from start to finish. From idea to the finished
product. We are here to deliver you a quick solution.
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With an unbiased and neutral view from
the outside, the current situation is analysed.
On that basis, a structure is built to set up
your project for success.
Analyse – Structure – Execute.
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You have the vision, we have the implementation.
Our team of software developers supports
you from start to finish. From idea to the finished
product. We are here to deliver you a quick solution.
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