Process & project management

Most businesses already have a process and project management in place. Why hire a third party? To see things more clearly. To leverage external resources. In order to avoid business myopia. And to bring projects back from the brink of death. That is why we are here.

Entdecke unsere

Als cofortytwo starten wir mit der Beratung in den Bereichen Medizintechnik, Autonomes Fahren, Autonomes Fliegen und verschiedenste Bereiche der Softwareentwicklung.

What we
can do for you

We are there for you all the way through. Following a detailed analysis, we will work bit by bit from your current state to reach the target state. We combine our resources with yours, so that even critical time schedules can be met.

Your benefits
from our management

Our team takes responsibility and control with a neutral view. Clarity and structure allow for the best possible way to deploy your employees. This is how we achieve high levels of performances, characterized by motivation, success and determination. Which, on the other hand saves you the trouble of having to use internal resources or hire additional specialists. As a result, you can make other investments and rely on your project being in capable hands.

What we
can do for you

We are there for you all the way through. Following a
detailed analysis, we will work bit by bit
from your current state to reach the target state.
We combine our resources with yours, so that even critical time schedules can be met.

Your benefits
from our management

Our team takes responsibility and control with a neutral view. Clarity and structure allow for the best possible way to deploy your employees. This is how we achieve high levels of performances, characterized by motivation, success and determination. Which, on the other hand saves you the trouble of having to use internal resources or hire additional specialists. As a result, you can make other investments and rely on your project being in capable hands.

Talk with
our experts

other services


We advise you honestly, accurately and individually. We combine our expertise with your individual resources and requirements to guarantee the success of your project.

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You have the vision, we have the implementation. Our team of software developers supports you from start to finish. From idea to the finished product. We are here to deliver you a quick solution.

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We advise you honestly, accurately and individually. We combine our expertise with your individual resources and requirements to guarantee the success of your project.

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You have the vision, we have the implementation. Our team of software developers supports you from start to finish. From idea to the finished product. We are here to deliver you a quick solution.

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”
Tom Edinson
Senior Product Designer
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”
Tom Edinson
Senior Product Designer
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”
Tom Edinson
Senior Product Designer

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